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AlphaControls 2013 8.20 Full Source €15 buy download

Version: 8.20 (01.03.2013)
Year: 2013
Developer: AC Team
Requirements: Delphi / C + + Builder 5-XE3

AlphaControls - is a set of standard and some of the unique components that support skins (AlphaSkins), as well as having some additional features. All skin elements can have their own properties for advanced drawing gradient realistic framework , semi-transparency , and blurry shadows. Graphics functions produce all the calculations and drawing in real-time. Added property BoundLabel for editing elements . Handled various mouse events , which gives some additional features components. Manager manages hints hints in the application and gives them a nice view with a lot of settings that can be changed by a special designer. Analogs of standard components provide all the functionality and add many new solutions to improve the quality of programs and their appearance.


Pekadzhi for XE4
Two new skins: DarkMetro and FM
Additional components ACExtra
utility AlphaConvert
Basic demo SkinDemo & editor skins SkinEditor
Demos (source and compiled modules)

What's new (since v.7.33):
01.03.2013 AlphaControls v8.20 Stable released
- Small improvements in support of standard MaskEdit
- Removed a glitch in opened ComboBox when skin is changed
- Improved scrolling in virtual treeview
- Improved work from keyboard in the popup calculator (TsCalcEdit)
- Improvement in TsSpeedButton refreshing when parent is resized
- Fixed error which occurs sometimes in application runned under Windows XP
21.02.2013 AlphaControls v8.19 Stable released
- Improved support of the TSpeedButton and TScrollBox controls
- Solved few issues with refreshing of controls placed on a skinned form
- Improved support of icons in Bitmap format in the TsAlphaImageList component
- Improved animation of hiding of form
12.02.2013 AlphaControls v8.18 Stable released
- Small improvements in drawing of components
- Solved issue with showing of Ico in AlphaImageList component
- Solvled issue with autohiding of TacCheckComboBox popup window
- Updated icons in components palette
04.02.2013 AlphaControls v8.17 Stable released
- Improved drawing of glyphs in TsToolBar
- Improved support of the THTMLViewer component
- Solved issue with clicking in popup calculator
- Solved issue with glowing effect
- Many minor improvements
- Published the new "Matrix" skin
24.01.2013 AlphaControls v8.16 Stable released
- Fixed error in animation of forms showing
- Added support of the SkinProvider.OnAfterAnimation event after a form hiding
- Improved hover effect and autosizing of title items in the TsTitleBar component
- Improved refresh of the TsPageControl component
- Solved problem with installing with old DevEx packages
- Many minor improvements
- Published the new "AlterMetro" skin
17.01.2013 AlphaControls v8.15 Stable released
- Improved support of the TScrollBox, TPanel and TToolBar components
- Improved animation of forms showing and hiding
- Improved redrawing of controls with transparency
- Fixed error in the TsScrollBar when switched to non-skinned mode
- Improved drawing of TsCustomComboBoxEx when style is csExSimple
- A lot of minor improvements
- Published the new "Lunar base" skin
27.12.2012 AlphaControls v8.14 Stable released
- Solved issue with TsDateEdit component
- Removed a memory leak in the TsVirtualImageList
- Improvements in components drawing
21.12.2012 AlphaControls v8.13 Stable released
- Improved drawing of text in menus
- Solved problem with support of TntUnicodeControls
- In the TsAlphaImageList added the UseCache property and MoveItem procedure
- In the TsVirtualImageList added the UseCache property
- Improved drawing of transparent panel
- Added support of the Flat property in the TsToolBar
- Improved autosizing of items in the TsTitleBar component
- Updated most demo-apps
14.12.2012 AlphaControls v8.12 Stable released
- Fixed error of panels repainting
- Solved problem of focusing after system dialogs showing
- Fixed redrawing of disabled grids and memos
- Fixed other small errors
12.12.2012 AlphaControls v8.11 Stable released
- Added new TsVirtualImageList component
- Improved support of system menu in the TsSkinProvider component
- Improved drawing of disabled edit controls
- Improved drawing of standard ToolBar
- TsTitleBar.Items.Alignment property is removed, added the TsTitleBar.Items.Align property
- Supported latest DevEx version
- Improved behaviour of popup calendar
27.11.2012 AlphaControls v8.10 Stable released
- Added SysSubMenu property in the TsSkinProvider component
- Added new aligning type (taCenterInSpace) for title items in TsTitleBar
- Improvements in the TWebBrowser support
- Small bugfixes and improvements
15.11.2012 AlphaControls v8.04 Beta released
- Fixed error in closing of app when DevEx controls are skinned
- Improved drawing of TsFXLabel with shadow, added Shadow.AlphaValue property
- Support of TWebBrowser is disabled by definition in the sDefs.inc file
- Added DrawClientArea property in the TsSkinProvider
- Added support of multi-line menu items
- Improved work of the TacTitleBar component
- Published new "Mint" skin
- A lot of minor improvements and bugfixes
26.10.2012 AlphaControls v8.03 Beta released
- Added OnFrameShow event in the sFrameBar items
- Solved problem with black rectangles on TsTabSheets (refresh problem)
- Added support of the TWebBrowser component
- Improved painting of scrolls
- Improved behavior of glowing effect
- Published new "Zest" skin
- Many minor improvements
12.10.2012 AlphaControls v8.02 Beta released
- Improved drawing of TsCheckListBox items when RTL is True
- Added new TsSkinManager.OnSysDlgInit event, occurs when sys dialog is skinned
- Added new readonly TsAlphaHints.IsHintShowing property
- Many improvements in Html parser, added support of special characters
- Added new TsGauge.OnPaintText event
- Added new TsTrackBar.BarOffsetV and TsTrackBar.BarOffsetH properties
- Improved design-editors for the TsTitleBar component
- Added the VerticalAlign property and OnValueChanged event in the TsCheckBox and TsRadioButtons components
- Added TsSkinProvider.TitleBar property
- Improved behavior of the TsTitleBar component
- Added the TsFrameBar.ActiveFrameIndex property and TsFrameBar.Items.OnDestroy event
- Added new OnMeasureItem, OnBeginColumnResize, OnEndColumnResize and OnColumnResize events in the TsListView
- Added new "Subway" skin (by Graf Sascha)
- Updated all skins
03.10.2012 AlphaControls 2013 (v8.01) Beta released
- Solved problem with drawing in design-time when standard controls placed to the TsTabSheet
- Added checking of empty alpha-channels in glyphs (enable the sConst.ac_CheckEmptyAlpha option)
- Fixed error of working "Backspace" and "Delete" keys in SpinEdits when control is ReadOnly
- Added predefined JVCL types into SkinManager.ThirdParty list
- Solved problem with lost Png images
- Improved skinning of standard TScrollBar control
- Some minor improvements
27.09.2012 AlphaControls 2013 (v8.00) Beta released
- Added support of 64-bit compilers
- Added new TsTitleBar component (buttons, tabs and other elements in a form title when AlphaSkins are Active)
- Added new TsSkinProvider.TitleIcon.Visible property
- Popup calendar and calculator are shown without activating
- Added support of fourth state (Default button) in buttons
- Added many new graphic procedures for drawing on bitmap with alpha-layer
- Removed some deprecated properties and procedures with saving of backward compatibility
- A lot of improvements and optimizations in the code
- Added new "Black box" skin (by Graf Sascha)
23.09.2012 AlphaControls v7.70 Stable released
- Improved text drawing in TsButton when skins are disabled
- Solved issue with glowing in buttons when they moved by mouse wheeling
- Solved issue with mouse wheeling in the TsListbox
- Added new TsSkinManager.OnGetPopupItemData event for menu items customization
- Solved issue with a forms resizing
- Added support of the RAD Studio XE3 x32
11.09.2012 AlphaControls v7.69 Stable released
- Fixed error which occurs sometimes when form is closed and glowing is visible
- Latest QuantumGrid is supported
- Fixed error with Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V in the alpha color dialog
- Improved refreshing after a font changing in the TsComboBox
- Added ShowFocus property in the TsRadioGroup
- Improved a custom items drawing in the TsListView
- Solved problem which occurs sometimes after a window restoring
- Improved drawing of TsSpeedButton which themed by OS
- Published new "iOS dark" skin
14.08.2012 AlphaControls v7.68 Stable released
- Improved drawing of multi-line text in standard buttons
- Fixed error which occurs in TsComboBox under Delphi 5
- Solved issue of blinking in the TsScrollBar component
- Solved issue of maximizing in MDI child windows
- Improved work of the TForm.OnPaint event
- Improved drawing of borders in forms with bsSingle BorderStyle when ExtBorders is False
- Solved issue with ShowSpinButtons property in SpinEdits
- Improved behavior of the Customizable property in the TsToolBar
- Improved focusing of the TsTrackBar component
- Added OnActivate and OnDeactivate events in the TsSkinManager component
- Added new "FlatLine" skin by Graf Sascha
13.07.2012 AlphaControls v7.67 Stable released
- Some improvements in a forms minimizing process
- Solved problems with switching of tabsheets by "Ctrl+Tab"
- Solved problem with showing of modal dialogs from modal windows
- Solved problem with scaling of the TsComboBox component
- Added new "Toxic" skin by Graf Sascha
- Minor bufixes and improvements
24.06.2012 AlphaControls v7.66 Stable released
- Solved issue with right-bottom grip in forms
- Solved issue with menu activating in maximized forms
- Improved drawing of sPageControl borders when TabPosition <> tpTop
- Improved drawing of standard semi-transparent PageControl
- Solved issue with ReadOnly property in SpinEdits
- Fixed error in the sCheckListBox if control is placed on a frame
- Improved receiving of Selection colors for DevExpress controls
- Added new "Windows 8" and "Android OS" skins by Graf Sascha
26.05.2012 AlphaControls v7.65 Stable released
- Improved changing of focus in standard ComboBox
- Solved problem with Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V in the TsCalcEdit component
- Solved problem with a pages hiding and showing in the TsNotebook
- Improved custom drawing in the TsListView
- Was made the alphaDBBuilderXE2.bpk file for AlphaDB pack under Builder XE2 installing
- Many minor improvements and bugfixes
14.04.2012 AlphaControls v7.64 Stable released
- Improved output of unicode text and drawing of standard scrolls in the TsListView
- Improved output of unicode text in the TsTreeView
- Improved drawing of texts in standard dialogs
- Improved redrawing after a focus changing in standard ComboBoxes
- Improved automatic support of child forms
- Fixed some troubles in main menus
- Fixed problem with standard scrolls in the TsScrollBox
- Published OnDblClick event in the TsPageControl
- Improved drawing of scaled TsComboBox component
02.04.2012 AlphaControls v7.63 Stable released
- Published dragging properties in the TsSpeedButton
- Published new "AutumnSky" skin
- Improved aligning of BoundLabels
- Solved an issue with refreshing of selected items in the TsShellTreeView
- Solved an issue with MinValue in the TsCurrencyEdit
- Improved an aligning to top of forms with extended borders
- Other little improvements
14.03.2012 AlphaControls v7.62 Stable released
- Improved behaviour of the TsScrollBar component
- Fixed error in the TsPageControl when TabMenu mode used without skins
- Fixed error in the TsPageControl when captions are not visible without skins
- Improved drawing of custom glyphs in TsRadionButton and TsCheckBox
- Added properties AllowNegative, ShowSpinButtons, NextTabControl, PrevTabControl in SpinEdits
- Improved compatibility of TRichViewEdit with skins
- Little improvements and bugfixes
25.02.2012 AlphaControls v7.61 Stable released
- Solved issue with scrolling by thumb in the TsDBLookupCombobox
- Improved a rendering of text in system dialogs
- Added support of the OnDrawTab event in the standard TPageControl
- Improved rendering of standard TStatusBar component
- Solved issue with a slow form moving under Windows XP
- Added new ac_NoExtBordersIfMax option (change this variable in the sConst.pas if maximized windows should not have extended borders)
- Improved a drawing of dragged items in TsListView
- Improved support of the MarqueeInterval property in the TsProgressBar
- Many small improvements and bugfixes
23.01.2012 AlphaControls v7.60 Stable released
- Improved drawing of bitmaps and texts in standard dialogs
- Solved problem with a forms minimizing
- Solved several minor issues
- Added new "WOT" skin
19.01.2012 AlphaControls v7.59 Stable released
- Solved issue with ReadOnly property in the TsComboBoxEx
- Improved drawing of the TsComboBoxEx under Windows XP
- Improved drawing of disabled TsButton when TntUnicode key is enabled
- Fixed error in destroying of standard TSpeedButton
- Returned drawing of multi-line text in the TsPanel
- Improved refresh of the TsPageControl when ActivePage is switched manually
- Added support of DevExpress v2.3
- Improved support of RTL in the TsEdit control
- Solved problem with freezing of skinned form
30.12.2011 AlphaControls v7.58 Stable released
- Solved issue with white extended borders in system dialogs
- Improved showing of popup menu in the TsMonthCalendar
- Improved updating of CheckBoxes and RadioButton sizes if AutoSize property is True
- Improved drawing of popup lists in comboboxes
22.12.2011 AlphaControls v7.57 Stable released
- Added support of unicode in hints when TNTUNICODE key is enabled
- Improved drawing of extended borders in dialogs
- Fixed error with invisible ComboBoxes created dynamically
- Solved problem with invisible buttons on TsToolBar
- Fixed error in ListBoxes when height or width is too small
- Minor improvements and bugfixes
09.12.2011 AlphaControls v7.56 Stable released
- Many improvements in showing of forms and dialogs
- Improved showing of RTL main menu
- Added support of vertical alignment in the TsPanel
- Improved showing of formatted text in masked controls (TsCalcEdit and others)
- Added support of the OnDblClick event in the calendar
- Improved calculation of heights in comboboxes
- Improved scrolling of RTL listboxes
- Solved issue with unicode captions in the TsTabSheet
- A lot of minor improvements
09.11.2011 AlphaControls v7.55 Stable released
- Solved issue with positioning of RTL main menu
- Improved calculating of week numbers in the TsMonthCalendar
- Improved drawing of the TsEdit control when BorderStyle is bsNone
- Improved drawing of items in the TsListView when checkboxes are shown
- Fixed error in the TsScrollBar component
- Solved problem with refresh of the TsPageControl component
- Many minor bugfixes and improvements
19.10.2011 AlphaControls v7.54 Stable released
- Fixed error with WindowMenu
- Added new TsSkinManager.Effects.AllowBluring property
- Added support of the C++Builder XE2
17.10.2011 AlphaControls v7.53 Stable released
- Some optimizations in using of memory
- Improved input in the TsDateEdit component
- Added support of the Aero bluring in extended borders
- Added the new "Web2" skin
- Small bugfixes
11.10.2011 AlphaControls v7.52 Stable released
- Improved drawing of TsListView items when columns are resized
- Fixed error in clicking of TsSpeedButton when control is not skinned
- Fixed problem with slow minimizing/restoring of windows
- Many small improvements
30.09.2011 AlphaControls v7.51 Stable released
- Added support of Embarcadero DelphiXE2 in 32-bit mode
- Added skinning of TUpDown and TScrollBox components (UpDownBtn and ScrollControl types of skinning in the ThirdParty list)
- Solved problems with skinning in DevEx controls
- Improved work of ExtendedBorders property under Vista/Win7 without Aero
- Many small bugfixes
12.09.2011 AlphaControls v7.50 Stable released
- Improved refresh of TsStatusBar after SimpleText changing
- Improved drawing of items in the TsListBox when component is not skinned
- Improved support of DevExpress vol 1.6, added support of editors
- Removed blinking in standard ComboBox when mouse moved over control
- Added IsModal parameter in the TsCalculator.Execute procedure
- Added new Afterburner and DeepPurple skins
01.09.2011 AlphaControls v7.48 Beta released
- Solved issue with horizontal scrolling in TsCheckListBox
- Solved some problems in controls and forms initialization
- Added support of the TextHint property in ComboEdits
- Solved problem with unicode in the TsLabelFX
- Improved drawing of wrapped text in sListView items (vsIcon style)
- Improved calculation of week numbers in the TsMonthCalendar component
- Added support of the TabSkin property in the TsPageControl component (when TabType <> ttTab)
- Improved work of the SkinManager.AnimEffects.BlendOfMove property under Windows XP
25.07.2011 AlphaControls v7.47 Beta released
- Fixed an error in skinned popup menu
- Improved changing of TsCheckBox and TsDBCheckBox components
- Improved calculation of ItemHeight in the TsCustomColorBox
- Improved work of the AutoSize property in the TsLabelFX
- Improved work of the OnTabMouseLeave event in the TsPageControl
- Improved repainting of the TsPageControl after the Enabled property changing
- Added support of the DeveloperExpress version 2011 (DEVEX2011 key)
- Minor improvements and bugfixes
15.07.2011 AlphaControls v7.46 Beta released
- Improved showing of popup menus
- Solved issue with refreshing of controls placed on frames
- Improved drawing of TsListBox with horizontal scrolling
- Added possibility of dynamic changing of information in hints with TsAlphaHints component, a demo program with animation in hints was uploaded and available on the page with demo apps
- Added support of DIALOGTITLE skin section
- Added CaptionWidth property in the TsGroupBox component
- Added AccessibleDisabledPages property in the TsPageControl component
- Added OnSkinListChanged event in the TsSkinManager component
- Added MenuSupport.AlphaBlend property in the TsSkinManager component
- Released new "MetroUI" skin
- Minor improvements and bugfixes
29.06.2011 AlphaControls v7.45 Beta released
- Improved behaviour of skinned forms
- Solved problem with skinned semitransparent hints
- Improved support of the SkinSection property in the TsLabelFX component
- Improved support of BlendOnMoving property under Aero
- Mouse wheel is supported in the TsTimePicker
- Up and Down keys are supported in the TsDateTime component
- In the BoundLabel property were added new layouts : sclLeftTop, sclBottomLeft, sclBottomCenter and sclBottomRight
- The CaptionMargin property was added in the TsGroupBox and TsRadioGroup
- Added support of new MENUCAPTION section
- Minor improvements and bugfixes
20.06.2011 AlphaControls v7.44 Beta released
- Added support of DropDownMenu property and bsSplitButton style in the TsButton
- Added new "Moonlight" skin
- Many minor improvements and bugfixes
08.06.2011 AlphaControls v7.43 Beta released
- Improved support of RightToLeft reading in skinned hints, forms, Popup menus and sListBox
- Improved support of Woll2Woll grids
- Improved items drawing in sListBoxes
- Improved drawing of buttons in Combo controls (TsDateEdit and others)
- Improved drawing of non-skinned controls which are placed to skinned TsPanel
- Improved drawing of ExtraLine in menus under Aero
- TSRVPageScroll added into ThirdParty predefined list
- Added OnTabMouseEnter and OnTabMouseLeave events in the TsPageControl component
- Added AllowAnimation property in the TsSkinProvider component
- Many minor improvements and bugfixes
22.05.2011 AlphaControls v7.42 Beta released
- In some edit controls was added a support of transparency (if not focused)
- Improved painting of buttons backgrounds in spinedits
- Many improvements in the TsListView items drawing
- Hints may be drawn with using of borders only, if transparency is 100
- Headers of the TDBGridEh are not drawn with XP themes when skinned
- Improved drawing of TsSpeedButton if ButtonStyle is tbsDropDown
- New OnChanging event was renamed to OnPageChanging in the TsPageControl component
- Improved painting and fixed some errors in the TsPageControl component
- Fixed error in closing popup calendar if TsDateEdit is not visible
- Added support of the HideSelection in the TsTreeView component
- Improved drawing of main menu line
- Solved some issues in MDI forms using
- Added TsPageControl.TabPadding property
- Added new "WEB" skin
- A lot of minor improvements
15.04.2011 AlphaControls v7.41 Beta released
- Solved important issue with skinned forms deactivation
- Fixed error in TsPageControls without active page
- Several improvements in the TsPageControl component
14.04.2011 AlphaControls v7.40 Beta released
- Big improvements in the TsAlphaImageList component, painting of scaled PNG glyphs much faster now
- Solved issue with charset in forms and dialogs captions
- Declaration of the TsPathDialog was moved from sDialogs to acPathDialog unit
- Buttons are drawn faster
- Resizing of forms is faster
- Faster painting of TsListView items
- Solved problem with OnPaint event in TsScrollBox and TsFrameBar components
- In the TsFrameBar component are added OnChange, OnChanging and OnClosing events
- Added OnCloseUp event in the TsDateEdit component
- Added support of stretched mode in drawing of masked borders
- Added ShowGrip property in the TsSplitter component
- Added support of united and multilined columns in the TsDBGrid component (AlphaDB package)
- Added new "iOS4" skin
- Many improvements in the TsPageControl component :
- Fixed issue of standard pagecontrol drawing when Manifest is used and TabPosition is not tpTop
- Improved drawing of Close buttons, added automatic tab width changing, improved content aligning in skinned and in standard modes
- TsTabSheet.SkinData.SkinSection property is supported now
- In the TsTabsheet were added new TabType (ttButton, ttMenu, ttTab) and TabMenu : TPopupMenu properties
- In the TsPageControl were added new RotateCaptions and AtiveIsBold properties
- Added additional handling of disabled pages (drawn as semi-transparent and not accessible now)
- Added NewPage:TsTabSheet parameter in OnChanging event
11.04.2011 AlphaControls v7.34 Stable released
- Added NOACPNG key in the sDefs.inc file (disables AlphaControls PNG loader, may be useful in systems which have Png support already)
- Fixed error in loading PNG from stream
- Fixed error in initialization of the TsListView drawitems event
- Improved drawing of background in TsCheckBox and TsRadioButton
- Fixed error with leaving of extended border after a program minimizing
- Improved drawing of menuline under Windows 7
- Some improvements in resizing of forms
- Some improvements in the TsSpeedButton drawing
- Improved drawing of buttons SpinEdits


Download File Size:40.82 MB

AlphaControls 2013 8.20 Full Source
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