Delcam launches the 2013 release of FeatureCAM feature-based CAM software. This will offer a new series of options for three-axis milling and enhancements in five-axis machining, plus improvements in the turning and mill-turn modules.
FeatureCAM was the world’s first feature-based programming software when it was launched in 1995. Constant development since then has ensured that the system has retained its leadership in programming speed and ease of use, while an increased range of strategies has been added to provide more efficient toolpaths giving greater productivity on a wider range of machines.
What's fixed in version 19.9.2:
A-033792 B FIXED FC Build: lanuage not supported in student FC version.
A-033099 T FIXED D Build: lanuage not supported in xpress and student dfs versions.
A-033599 T FIXED Install: rename ezfmtrn* folders to FeatureCAM*.
A-033591 B FIXED FC Autorun: FeatureCAM STUDENT autorun doesn't work on 32-bit.
A-033613 B FIXED FC 3D milling: Plunge: Plunge tab is appearing on both the strategy level and operation level.
A-033601 B FIXED FC GPF: FeatureCAM crash when moving an operation
A-033539 B FIXED D GPF: DFS assembly closes SolidWorks when feature from SW feature is attempted.
A-033340 F FIXED FC API: Port Cavity: want to associate multiple recognition descriptions with a single UDF creation
A-033560 B FIXED FC GPF: Tombstone: Software crashes when trying to produce NC code in Tombstone document.
A-033552 B FIXED FC Macros: NCSIMUL: VERICUT: EUREKA: CAMPLETE: addins don't run in v19.9.0.
A-033459 B FIXED FC 3d sim: turn/mill: part not indexed correctly to cut side feature.
A-033569 B FIXED FC Installation: NCSIMUL localization dlls aren't included in installation.
A-032672 B FIXED XBuild: 5-Axis dialog allows user to set B and C angles that are invalid if 5x machine type is later changed.
A-033269 B FIXED FC GPF: FeatureCAM crashes after checking updates in SolidWorks source file if on previous checking user reimports SolidWorks file but then delete it.
A-033195 B FIXED FC InitDB: SQL database: When user starts initdb or FeatureCAM for the first time (which prompts initdb to start), it takes about 15 seconds for initdb dialog to appear.
A-033534 B FIXED FC 2 axis milling: 4 axis indexing: Patterning around the index axis shifts the feature location
A-033540 B FIXED D,FC Machine sim: error in compute5axis A and B angles for 45 degree head
A-033543 B FIXED FC User interface: Part compare works without 3D license but the part compare tab is missing from simulation options.
A-033445 B FIXED FC 3D sim: Tool holder shows backwards in this part file in 3D simulation
A-033440 B FIXED FC Install: Probing and SetupSheet dlls did not install correctly when installing over an existing FC
A-033486 B FIXED FC install: FC STU on top of save ver of FC COMMERCIAL, results in ezfm.exe being left alone
A-033288 B FIXED FC Setup sheet: localized setup sheet variables.
A-033396 B FIXED FC Turn: Bad toolpath created when there are multiple undercuts in a turn feature with constant depth of cut on
A-032102 F FIXED FC setup sheet: desire diameter offset no. in operation list.
A-032027 B FIXED FC 3-axis milling: Z level rough doesn't ramp in closed regions.
A-033437 B FIXED D,FC XPRESS: STUDENT: please ignore leading and trailing spaces in the license code entered into the form.
A-029910 F FIXED Machine sim: LCS dialog doesn't give proper feedback if you choose a solid that doesn't have an assigned UCS.
A-032678 F FIXED FC Setup Sheet: Would like to use setup sheet dll to create Excel output
A-033524 B FIXED FC API: AddThread.bas macro doesn't create a toolbar button. As a result, user always has to run it through View-> Run Basic macro option.
A-033067 B FIXED Probing: simulation is incorrect for some features -- extra motion away from the part
A-033434 B FIXED FC Probing: Simulation: FeatureCAM doesn't translate unit difference when user selects inch probe in metric document or conversely
A-032238 B FIXED FC MTT: OKUMA style post: manual NC edits are not retained.
A-033478 B FIXED FC User interface: bottom finish allowance is missing from machining attributes.
A-032702 F FIXED FC API: IFMOperToolMap object provides the feature name and operation name. However, the operation name is of the - "finish", "spotdrill", "rough" - variety. These names are not unique, even when used together with the feature name.
A-033473 B FIXED XBuild: Arc moves are still present in NC code even when option to linearize all arcs is enabled in post.
A-033380 B FIXED FC GPF: Probing: FeatureCAM crashes when it can't find an appropriate tool for a probing feature
A-033365 B FIXED FC GPF: Probing: FeatureCAM shows error "MEM_BAD_POINTER" and then crashes after trying to open properties of 1-st measure operation in feature properties window of probing operation.
A-033494 B FIXED API: modelList.BoundingBox() doesn't work if the model list contains lines or circles
A-033488 B FIXED FC 2-axis milling: new feature wizard says curve not in XY plane if indexing set to UCS axis which not aligned to the stock axis
A-033448 B FIXED FC MTT: Different tool is being called out in multiple pockets.
A-032846 F FIXED API: Request to add toolbar button function to the api
A-032246 B FIXED FC User interface: Machining configuration: unable to save overlap distance in my configuration.
A-033472 B FIXED FC setup sheet: Clicking "Browse template..." results in error dialog.
A-033008 F FIXED FC Setup Sheet: desire ability to filter out tools that are not part of the current setup.
A-033128 F FIXED FC Setup Sheet tool details need to be localized
About Delcam plc
Delcam is a world-leading developer and supplier of advanced CADCAM software, with more than 35,000 customers in over 80 countries. These clients vary from global names like Nike, Boeing and Mattel to small start-ups and individual craftsmen. Founded 30 years ago, we are the largest developer of product development software in the UK, with subsidiaries in Europe, America and Asia. Our global success has been recognised with many awards, including three Queen’s Awards for Enterprise in the last six years.
Name: Delcam FeatureCam
Version: 2013 R3 SP3 Build
Home: www.featurecam.com
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Download File Size:841.12 MB