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Philosophy Books Collection PDF eBooks

2400 PDF Books

Collection of philosophy resources amassed & organized over a large period of time.

Books list:
Aesthetic Experience (Studies in Contemporary Philosophy).pdf
Aesthetic Order (Studies in Twentieth Century Philosophy) - Routledge.pdf
Aesthetics (Guide) - Blackwell.pdf
Aesthetics and Cognition in Kant's Critical Philosophy - Kukla, Rebecca (ed) - Cambridge.pdf
Art [Contemporary] (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Art and Intention - A Philosophical Study - Livingston, Paisley - Oxford.pdf
Art Theory (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Art, Origins, Otherness (Between Philosophy and Art) - Desmond, William - SUNY.pdf
Classic and Romantic German Aesthetics (History of Philosophy) - J.M. Bernstein, ed - Cambridge.pdf
Dada and Surrealism (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Design (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Modern Art (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Music (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Photography (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Files: 14 Size: 61,147,189 Bytes

Britannica Almanac (Encyclopedia) 2010.pdf
Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the World.pdf
Dictionary of Psychology - Cambridge.pdf
Dictionary of Quotations - Oxford.PDF
Encyclopedia Demons Demonology.pdf
Encyclopedia of 20th Century Photography.pdf
Encyclopedia Of Applied Psychology - Charles Spielberger.pdf
Encyclopedia of Barbarian World Vol.1.pdf
Encyclopedia of Barbarian World Vol.2.pdf
Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance.pdf
Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns.pdf
Encyclopedia of Creativity, Giftedness and Talent.pdf
Encyclopedia of Gangs (2008).pdf
Encyclopedia Of Indian Philosophies - Volume Viii - Buddhist Philosophy From 100 To 350 A.D..pdf
Encyclopedia of Islam.pdf
Encyclopedia of Journalism.pdf
Encyclopedia of Legal Psychoactive Drugs.pdf
Encyclopedia of Mind Control (1998).pdf
Encyclopedia of Mythology Norse Classical Celtic.pdf
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (Springer, 2008).pdf
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 2 Vol..pdf
Encyclopedia of Perception.pdf
Encyclopedia of Photography [Focal], 4th Ed..pdf
Encyclopedia of Population - (Malestrom).pdf
Encyclopedia of Protestantism.pdf
Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion.pdf
Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs.pdf
Encyclopedia of The Human Brain, Vol. 1-4.pdf
Encyclopedia Of The Human Brain.pdf
Encyclopedia of Unsolved Crimes.pdf
Encyclopedia of War Crimes And Genocide.pdf
Historic U.S. Court Cases - An Encyclopedia (Malestrom).pdf
History of Ideas (Dictionary) Vol 1.pdf
History of Ideas (Dictionary) Vol 2.pdf
History of Ideas (Dictionary) Vol 3.pdf
History of Ideas (Dictionary) Vol 4.pdf
History of Ideas (Dictionary) Vol 5.pdf
History of Ideas (Dictionary) Vol 6.pdf
Hughes&reader (Eds) - Encyclopedia Of Contemporary French Culture.pdf
ional Encyclopedia Of Revolution And Protest - 1500 To The Present.pdf
Management (Encyclopedia) 5e.pdf
Philosophy (Companion) 1995 - Oxford.pdf
Philosophy (Companion) 2003 - Blackwell.pdf
Philosophy (Dictionary) [Western] - Blackwell.pdf
Philosophy (Encyclopedia) - Internet.pdf
Philosophy (Encyclopedia) - MacMillan.pdf
Philosophy (Encyclopedia) - Routledge (Concise).pdf
Philosophy (Encyclopedia) - Routledge.pdf
Philosophy (Encyclopedia) - Stanford.pdf
Philosophy (Encyclopedia) [Western] - Routledge.pdf
Philosophy (History) - Copleston, Frederick - 1993.pdf
Philosophy (History) - Dover - 1967.pdf
Philosophy (History) - Routledge.pdf
Philosophy (History) [Western] - Columbia.pdf
Philosophy (History) [Western] - MacMillan.pdf
Philosophy (History) [Western] - Oxford.pdf
Philosophy (History) [Western] - Russell, Bertrand.pdf
Philosophy in America, 1720-2000 (History).pdf
Philosophy Of Language, Concise Encyclopedia Of.pdf
Philosophy of Religion (Encyclopedia) - Oxford (Concise).pdf
Political Thought (Encyclopedia).pdf
Popular Psychology (Encyclopedia) - Greenwood Press.pdf
Postmodernism (Encyclopedia) - Routledge.pdf
Quran Encyclopedia.pdf
Rodgers (Ed) - Encyclopedia Of Contemporary Spanish Culture.pdf
S. Sarkar & J. Pfeifer (Ed) - The Philosophy Of Science An Encyclopedia (Routledge).pdf
Science and Religion (Encyclopedia) - MacMillan.pdf
Sociology (Encyclopedia) - Blackwell.pdf
Stevenson, J - The Complete Idiot's Guide To Philosophy.chm
The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine 3rd Edition.pdf
The Gale Encyclopedia Of Psychology 2nd Ed - Bonnie Strickland.pdf
The Mit Encyclopedia Of The Cognitive Science (1999).pdf
The Philosophy Of Science An Encyclopedia.pdf
Time (Encyclopedia).pdf
Files: 74 Size: 1,775,758,153 Bytes

Armstrong - Truth And Truthmakers.pdf
Bishop&trout - Epistemology And The Psychology Of Human Judgement.pdf
Blameworthy Belief, Epistemic Deontologism.pdf
Burian - The Epistemology Of Development Evolution And Genetics.pdf
C.J. Misak - Verificationism~ Its History And Prospects - Routledge.pdf
Cassam - The Possibility Of Knowledge.pdf
Conceptions Of Truth.pdf
Contextualism In Philosophy - Knowledge, Meaning, And Truth.pdf
Contextualisms In Epistemology.pdf
Cup - The Value Of Knowledge And The Pursuit Of Understanding - (2003).pdf
David Owens - Reason Without Freedom~ The Problem Of Epistemic Normativity - Routledge.pdf
Epistemic Injustice.pdf
Epistemology - Audi 2nd Ed.pdf
Epistemology - The Big Questions (Philosophy The Big Questions).djvu
Epistemology And The Psychology Of Human Judgment.pdf
Ernest Sosa - A Virtue Epistemology~ Apt Belief And Reflective Knowledge - Oxford University Press, Usa.pdf
Evolutionary Epistemology, Language And Culture - A Non-Adaptationist, Systems Theoretical Approach (Theory And Decision Library A).pdf
Flynn - Sartre, Foucalt And Historical Reason.pdf
Foley - Intellectual Trust In Oneself And Others.pdf
Forbidden Knowledge.pdf
Garcia-Carpintero&kolbel (Eds) - Relativetruth.pdf
Harmelen - Handbook Of Knowledge Representation.pdf
Hintikka - Socratic Epistemology.pdf
Hossack - Metaphsyics Of Knowledge.pdf
Intellectual Virtues - An Essay In Regulative Epistemology.pdf
Internalism And Epistemology (Routledge Studies In Contemporary Philosophy).pdf
Internalism And Externalism In Semantics And Epistemology - Oxford University Press, Usa.pdf
Intro Theory Knowledge.pdf
Jenkins - Grounding Concepts.pdf
Joshua Gert - Brute Rationality.pdf
Knowing Art - Essays In Aesthetics And Epistemology (Philosophical Studies Series).pdf
Knowing The Difference.pdf
Knowledge And Its Limits.pdf
Knowledge And Reality - Essays In Honor Of Alvin Plantinga (Philosophical Studies Series).pdf
Knowledge And Reference In Empirical Science (International Library Of Philosophy).pdf
Knowledge In A Social World.pdf
Knowledge Of The External World.pdf
Knowledge, Perception And Memory (Philosophical Studies Series).pdf
Leplin - A Theory Of Epistemic Justification.pdf
Logic, Epistemology, And The Unity Of Science Vol. 10 - Information And Knowledge - A Constructive Type-Theoretical Approach.pdf
Logic, Epistemology, And The Unity Of Science Vol. 2 - Logic, Thought And Action.pdf
Logic, Epistemology, And The Unity Of Science Vol. 3 - The Age Of Alternative Logics.pdf
Logic, Epistemology, And The Unity Of Science Vol. 5 - Perspectives On Mathematical Practices.pdf
Logic, Epistemology, And The Unity Of Science Vol. 6 - The Influence Of Genetics On Contemporary Thinking.pdf
Logic, Epistemology, And The Unity Of Science Vol. 7 - Formalizing Medieval Logical Theories - Suppositio, Consequentiae And Obligationes.pdf
Logic, Epistemology, And The Unity Of Science Vol. 9 - Induction, Algorithmic Learning Theory, And Philosophy.pdf
Mathematics, Science And Epistemology - Philosophical Papers, Vol. 2.djvu
Michael Bergmann - Justification Without Awareness~ A Defense Of Epistemic Externalism - Oxford University Press, Usa.pdf
Michael Dummett - Thought And Reality - Oxford University Press, Usa.pdf
Michael Huemer - Epistemology~ Contemporary Readings - Routledge.pdf
New Essays On Semantic Externalism And Self-Knowledge (Bradford Books).pdf
Newman - The Correspondence Theory Of Truth.pdf
Nicholas Nathan - The Price Of Doubt - Routledge.pdf
Parker Et Al (Eds) - Biology And Knowledge Revisited.pdf
Principles Of Human Knowledge.pdf
R.W. Sharples - Stoics, Epicureans And Sceptics~ An Introduction To Hellenistic Philosophy - Routledge.pdf
Reason, Truth And History.pdf
Rosanna Keefe - Theories Of Vagueness (Cambridge Studies In Philosophy) [2000].pdf
Ruth Weintraub - The Sceptical Challenge - Routledge.pdf
Scientific Realism- How Science Tracks Truth.pdf
Seeing, Doing, And Knowing - A Philosophical Theory Of Sense Perception.pdf
Seeing, Thinking And Knowing - Meaning And Self-Organisation In Visual Cognition And Thought (Theory And Decision Library A).pdf
Tamara Horowitz - The Epistemology Of A Priori Knowledge - Oxford University Press, Usa.pdf
Theory And Truth.pdf
Three Dialogues Between Hylas And Philonous - In Opposition To Sceptics And Atheists.pdf
Truth Error Criminal Law.pdf
Virtue Epistemology - Essays In Epistemic Virtue And Responsibility.pdf
What Is This Thing Knowledge.pdf
Wolterstorff - Thomas Reid And The Story Of Epistemology.pdf
Files: 70 Size: 191,119,503 Bytes

\Philosophy\Epistemology\Epistemology - Series\
Empiricism [Logical] (Companion) - Cambridge.pdf
Empiricists [British] - Routledge.pdf
Epistemology (Anthology) - Blackwell.pdf
Epistemology (entry) - Stanford.pdf
Epistemology (Handbooks) - Oxford.pdf
Epistemology (Introduction) - SUNY.pdf
Epistemology (Studies, vol 1) 2005 - Oxford.pdf
Epistemology (Studies, vol 2) 2007 - Oxford.pdf
Internalism and Epistemology (Contemporary Studies) - Routledge.pdf
Pragmatism (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Rationalism (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Rationality (Handbooks) - Oxford.pdf
Understanding Understanding (Series in Philosophy) - SUNY.pdf
Files: 13 Size: 366,484,162 Bytes

Ancient Philosophy (Guide) - Blackwell.pdf
Classical Philosophy (Contemporary Introduction).pdf
Early Greek Philosophy (Companion) - Cambridge.pdf
Early Modern Philosophy (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Early Modern Philosophy (Companion) - Cambridge.pdf
Late Antiquity (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Medieval Philosophy (Companion) - Cambridge.pdf
Modernism (Concise) - Blackwell.pdf
Philosophy in the Middle Ages (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Presocratic Philosophy (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Stoics (Companion) - Cambridge.pdf
Western Historical Thought (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Files: 12 Size: 105,528,153 Bytes

Analytic Philosophy (2001) (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Analytic Philosophy and History of Philosophy (Mind Association Occasional) - Oxford.pdf
Analytic Philosophy And The Return Of Hegelian Thought (Modern European Philosophy).pdf
Analytic Philosophy Without Naturalism (Studies in Contemporary Philosophy) [2006] - Routledge.pdf
Analytic Turn - Analysis in Early Analytic Philosophy (Studies in Contemporary Philosophy).pdf
Biletzki&matar (Eds) - The Story Of Analytic Philosophy.pdf
Egginton&sandbothe - Pragmatic Turn In Philosophy (Continental Vs Analytic Thought).pdf
Glock (Ed) - The Rise Of Analytic Philosophy.pdf
Glock - What Is Analytic Philosophy.pdf
Monk&palmer (Eds) - Bertrand Russel And The Origins Of Analytical Philosophy.pdf
Stroll - Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy.pdf
Textor - The Austrian Contribution To Analytic Philosophy.pdf
Files: 12 Size: 37,904,977 Bytes

Continental Philosophy (2003) (Guide) - Blackwell.pdf
Continental Philosophy (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Continental Philosophy of Science (Readings in Continental Philosophy) - Blackwell.pdf
Self and Subjectivity (Readings in Continental Philosophy) - Blackwell.pdf
Supplements - From the Earliest Essays to Being and Time and Beyond (Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy) - SUNY.pdf
The Gathering Of Reason (Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy) - SUNY.pdf
Truth - Engagements Across Philosophical Traditions (Continental Philosophy) - Blackwell.pdf
Vision's Invisibles - Philosophical Explorations (Continental Philosophy) - SUNY.pdf
Files: 8 Size: 22,019,584 Bytes

Ancient Concepts Of Philosophy (Issues In Ancient Philosophy).pdf
Blackburn, Simon - Think, A Compelling Intro To Philosophy V3.0 (Oxford).rtf
Darien Shanske - Thucydides And The Philosophical Origins Of History - Cup.pdf
Early Medieval Philosophy (480-1150) - An Introduction.pdf
Frederick Copleston - A History Of Philosophy Greece And Rome.pdf
Gardner&lieu (Eds) - Manichaen Texts From The Roman Empire.pdf
Halliwell - Greek Laughter A Study Of Cultural Psychology.pdf
Marenbon - Later Medieval Philosophy.pdf
Miller&inwood (Eds) - Hellenistic And Early Modern Philosophy.pdf
Oxford Studies In Early Modern Philosophy Volume Iv.pdf
Philosophy And Philosophers - An Introduction To Western Philosophy (Penguin Philosophy).pdf
Philosophy In Late Antiquity.pdf
Philosophy Then And Now.pdf
Routledge - Key Philosophers Conversation.pdf
Short History Modern Philosophy.pdf
The History Of Philosophy - Chapter 1, Do We Need Philosophy.rtf
The History Of Philosophy - Chapter 2, The First Dialecticians.rtf
The History Of Philosophy - Chapter 3, Aristotle And The End Of Classical Greek Philosophy.rtf
Zeller - A History Of Greek Philosophy Vol I.djvu
Zeller - A History Of Greek Philosophy Vol Ii.djvu
Files: 21 Size: 87,271,298 Bytes

Postmodernism (Companion) - Cambridge.pdf
Postmodernism (Companion) - Routledge.pdf
Postmodernism (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Files: 3 Size: 5,811,112 Bytes

Adams, R.M. - A theory of virtue.pdf
Armstrong, Walter-Sinott - Moral Skepticisms.pdf
Audi - Moral Value and Human Diversity.pdf
Audi - Practical reasoning and ethical decision.pdf
Baghramian, Mari - Relativism - Routledge.pdf
Bermudez, Jose - Art and Morality - Routledge.pdf
Billington - Living Philosophy (Intro to Moral Thought).pdf
Bishop, John - Believing by Faith - An Essay in the Epistemology and Ethics of Religious Belief.pdf
Bloomfield (ed) - Morality and Self-Interest.pdf
Brecher - Getting What You Want~ A Critique of Liberal Morality .pdf
Byrne et al - Fact and Value = Essays on Ethics and Metaphysics for Judith Jarvis Thomson (MIT 2001).pdf
Byron (ed) - Satisficing and Maximizing - Moral Theorists on Practical Reason.pdf
Casebeer - Natural Ethical Facts.pdf
Chappell (ed) - Values and Virtues.pdf
Copp, David - Morality in a Natural World - Cambridge.pdf
Crisp - Reasons and the good.pdf
Davidson&Harrington (eds) - Visions of compassion.pdf
Dean, Richard - The Value of Humanity in Kant's Moral Theory - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf
ethics - Moral Epistemology Naturalized (Canadian Journal of Philosophy).pdf
Fischer et al - Four Views on Free Will (Great Debates in Philosophy) - Blackwell.pdf
Gaita - Good and evil An absolute conception.pdf
Gill (ed) - Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity.pdf
Green, T. H. - Ethics, Metaphysics, and Political Philosophy - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf
Gunnarsson, Logi - Making Moral Sense~ Beyond Habermas and Gauthier - CUP.pdf
Hampton - The Intrinsic Worth of Persons.pdf
Harris - Of Liberty and Necessity. The Free Will Debate in Eighteenth-century British Philosophy-0005.pdf
Harris - Reason's Grief.pdf
Heath - Following the Rules.pdf
Herman (ed) - Lectures On The History Of Moral Philosophy (Rawls).pdf
Hodge, Joanna - Heidegger and Ethics - Routledge.pdf
Horgan&Timmons (eds) - Metaethics after Moore.pdf
Irwin - The Development of Ethics vol 1 Socrates to Reformation - Oxford.pdf
Jacobs - Dimensions of moral theory.pdf
Kamm - Intricate Ethics.pdf
Kane, Robert - A Contemporary Introduction to Free Will - Oxford.pdf
Kearney&Dooley (eds) - Questioning Ethics.pdf
Kekes - The Morality of Pluralism.pdf
Kellenberger - Moral Relativism, a Dialogue.pdf
Keys - Aquinas Aristotle and the Promise of the Common Good.pdf
Kramer, Matthew - Moral realism as a moral doctrine.pdf
Larmore - The autonomy of morality.pdf
Machan, Tibor - Classical Individualism~ The Supreme Importance of Each Human Being - Routledge.pdf
Mahoney - The making of moral theology.pdf
McMahan - The ethics of killing.pdf
Mendola, Joseph - Goodness and Justice - Consequentialism - Cambridge.pdf
Midgley - The Ethical Primate.pdf
Midgley, Mary - Wickedness - Routledge.pdf
Miller, Alexander - An Introduction to Contemporary Metaethics.pdf
Misak - Truth politics morality.pdf
Mulgan, Tim - Future People - A Moderate Consequentialist Account of Our Obligations to Future Generations - Oxford.pdf
Mulgan, Tim - The Demands of Consequentialism - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf
Neal - How Skeptics Do Ethics (modern linguistic turn).pdf
Newlands & Jorgensen (eds) - Metaphysics And The Good (R.M.Adams).pdf
Oser - The Ethics of Modernism.pdf
Otteson, James - Actual Ethics.pdf
Pereboom, Derk - Living without Free Will.pdf
Pihlstroem - Pragmatic Moral Realism, a Transcendental Defense.pdf
Platts, Mark - Moral Realities~ An Essay in Philosophical Psychology - Routledge.pdf
Rachels - Elements of Moral Philosophy.pdf
Rawls, John - Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy.pdf
Resnik, David - The Ethics of Science.pdf
Rist, John - Real Ethics Reconsidering the Foundations of Morality - Cambridge.pdf
Salle (ed) - Metaphysics, Soul, And Ethics In Ancient Thought (Sorabji).pdf
Scarre, Geoffrey - Utilitarianism - scarre.pdf
Schneewind - History of Moral Philosophy.pdf
Sim - Remastering Morals with Aristotle & Confucius.pdf
Smilansky - 10 Moral Paradoxes.pdf
Smith, Michael - Ethics and A Priori.pdf
Snare, Francis - The Nature of Moral Thinking - Routledge.pdf
Soper - The ethics of deference.pdf
Thomas, Alan - Value and context.pdf
Thomson - Critical Reasoning in Ethics.pdf
Thomson - Fact and Value.pdf
Tickle, Phyllis - Greed.pdf
Tiles - Moral Measures, an Intro to Ethics West and East.pdf
Timmons et al (eds) - Rationality and the Good - Oxford.pdf
Watson - Agape, Eros, Gender - Towards a Pauline Sexual Ethic.pdf
What is Morality (Common Sense Atheism).pdf
Williams, Bernard - Ethics and limits of philosophy (2006).pdf
Wilson, Catherine - Moral Animals (Ideals and Constraints in Moral Theory).pdf
Files: 80 Size: 257,168,923 Bytes

\Philosophy\Ethics\`Ethics - Series\
Ancient Ethics (Critical Introduction) - Routledge.pdf
Applied Ethics (Contemporary Debates) - Blackwell.pdf
Buddhist Ethics (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Christian Ethics (Companion) (2004) - Blackwell.pdf
Compatibilism - Stanford.pdf
Consequentialism - Stanford.pdf
Ethical Theory (Handbooks) - Oxford.pdf
Ethics (Contemporary Readings in Philosophy) - Routledge.pdf
Ethics (Introductions to Philosophy) - Benn, Piers - UCL.pdf
Ethics (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Free Will (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Genethics (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Human Rights (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Human Values (Essays on Ethics and Natural Law) - Macmillan.pdf
Medical Ethics (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Metaethics 1 (Studies in Metaethics) - Shafer-Landau (ed) - Oxford.pdf
Metaethics 2 (Studies in Metaethics) - Shafer-Landau (ed) - Oxford.pdf
Moral Theory (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy) - Blackwell.pdf
Myth of Morality (Studies in Philosophy) - Cambridge.pdf
Religious Ethics (Companion) 2005 - Blackwell.pdf
Uneasy Virtue (Studies in Philosophy) - Cambridge.pdf
Files: 21 Size: 53,952,707 Bytes

Brekke (Ed) - The Ethics Of War Asian Civilizations.pdf
Bryan Van Norden - Virtue Ethics And Consequentialism In Early Chinese Philosophy - Cup.pdf
Confucian Bioethics.pdf
Confucian Ethics Comparative Study.pdf
Developing Business Ethics China.pdf
Human Rights And Chinese Thought.pdf
Files: 6 Size: 9,655,934 Bytes

\Philosophy\Ethics\Special Issues\
Broome - Ethics Out Of Economics.pdf
Case Histories Business Ethics.pdf
Cowton&haase - Trends In Business And Economic Ethics.pdf
Dagenais - Ethics Of Reading In Manuscript Culture.pdf
Ethics & Pharmaceutical Industry.pdf
Ethics And Sport.pdf
Ethics For Journalists.pdf
Evil Or Ill.pdf
Fair Play In Sport (A Moral Norm System).pdf
Hausmann&mcphearson (Eds) - Economic Analysis Moral Philosophy & Public Policy.pdf
Jamieson - Ethics And The Environment.pdf
Land, Value, Community - Callicott And Environmental Philosophy (Suny Series In Environmental Philosophy And Ethics).pdf
Macfarlane - Researching with Integrity.pdf
Morgan - Why Sports Morally Matter.pdf
The Morality Of Business.pdf
Wellman - Medical Law And Moral Rights.pdf
Files: 16 Size: 28,231,574 Bytes

20th Century America, 2004 (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
African History (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
American Foreign Relations (2003) (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Ancient Egypt (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Ancient History (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Ancient Near East (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Ancient Warfare (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Archaic Greece (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Christian Art (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Christian Church (Companion).pdf
Classical Greek World (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Classical Mythology (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Cold War (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Crusades (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Dead Sea Scrolls (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Dinosaurs (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Documentary Film (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Economics (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Egyptian Myth (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Eighteenth-Century Europe (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Europe Since 1945 (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Film Theory (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
First World War (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Fossils (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
French Revolution (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Game Theory (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Gender History (2004) (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Geography (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Geopolitics (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Global Catastrophes (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Global Warming (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Greek and Roman Historiography (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Hieroglyphs (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
History (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
History of Economic Thought, 2003 (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
HIV-AIDS (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
International Migration (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
International Relations (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Journalism (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Medieval Britain (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Modern China (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Modern Ireland (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Myth (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Nineteenth-Century Britain (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Northern Ireland (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Nuclear Weapons (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Olson - An Ethnohistorical Dictionary China.pdf
Philosophy of History and Historiography (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Postwar British and Irish Poetry (Concise) - Blackwell.pdf
Quakers (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Renaissance (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Renaissance Art (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Russian Revolution (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Scotland (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Spanish Civil War (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Twentieth-Century Britain (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Vikings (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
World Trade Organization (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Files: 58 Size: 274,855,664 Bytes

Files: 0 Size: 0 Bytes

`Argumentation Journal - Amossy, Ruth - The New Rhetoric's Inheritance. Argumentation and Discource Analysis.pdf
`Argumentation Journal - Frogel, Shai - Who is the Addressee of Philosophical Argumentation.pdf
`Argumentation Journal - Introduction to August 2009 Argumentation journal.pdf
`Argumentation Journal - Kochin, Michael S - From Argument to Assertion.pdf
`Argumentation Journal - Plantin, Christian - A Place for Figures of Speech in Argumentation Theory.pdf
Files: 5 Size: 759,166 Bytes

`Australasian Journal - Lycan, William G. - Giving Dualism Its Due.pdf
`Australasian Journal - Turner, Jason - The Incompatibility of Free Will and Naturalism.pdf
Files: 2 Size: 414,027 Bytes

`Compass - Anthony Collins on the Emergence of Consciousness and Personal Identity - William Uzgalis.pdf
`Compass - Bailey, D.T.J. - The Third Man Argument.pdf
`Compass - Battaly, Heather - Virtue Epistemology.pdf
`Compass - Computationalism in the Philosophy of Mind - Gualtiero Piccinini.pdf
`Compass - Dainton, Barry - The Experience of Time and Change.pdf
`Compass - Emergence in Physics - Andrew Wayne and Michal Arciszewski.pdf
`Compass - Everitt, Nicholas - The Divine Attributes.pdf
`Compass - Evnine, Simon - Modal Epistemology - Our Knowledge of Necessity and Possibility.pdf
`Compass - Frisch, Mathias - Philosophical Issues in Electromagnetism.pdf
`Compass - Gilmore, Cody - Persistence and Location in Relativistic Spacetime.pdf
`Compass - Hasker, William - Intelligent Design.pdf
`Compass - Horst, Steven - Naturalisms in Philosophy of Mind.pdf
`Compass - Kallestrup, Jesper - Three Strands in Kripke's Argument against the Identity Theory.pdf
`Compass - King, Nathan L. - Religious Diversity and its Challenges to Religious Belief.pdf
`Compass - Koslicki, Kathrin - Natural Kinds and Natural Kind Terms.pdf
`Compass - Kraay, Klaas J. - Creation, Actualization and God's Choice among Possible Worlds.pdf
`Compass - Le Poidevin, Robin - Incarnation Metaphysical Issues.pdf
`Compass - Leuenberger, Stephan - Superveniance in Metaphysics.pdf
`Compass - Levy, Neil - Recent Work on Free Will and Moral Responsibility.pdf
`Compass - Liggins, David - Epistemological Objections to Platonism.pdf
`Compass - Manson, Neil A. - The Fine-Tuning Argument.pdf
`Compass - Mawson, Tim - Morality and Religion.pdf
`Compass - Melnyk, Andrew - Can Physicalism Be Non-Reductive.pdf
`Compass - Moser, Paul K. - Kierkegaard's Conception of God.pdf
`Compass - Ney, Alyssa - Defining Physicalism.pdf
`Compass - Oppy, Graham - Higher-Order Ontological Arguments.pdf
`Compass - Rysiew, Patrick - Rationality Disputes - Psychology and Epistemology.pdf
`Compass - The Problem of Natural Evil 1 - General Theistic Replies - Luke Gelinas.pdf
`Compass - The Problem of Natural Evil 2 - Hybrid Replies - Luke Gelinas.pdf
`Compass - Williams, Robert J. - Ontic Vagueness and Metaphysical Indeterminacy.pdf
Files: 30 Size: 5,198,257 Bytes

`Faraday Paper 1 Polkinghorne_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 10 Holder_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 11 Lucas_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 12 Berry_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 13 Russell_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 14 Finlay_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 15 McMullin_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 2 Trigg_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 3 Alexander_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 4 Polkinghorne_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 5 Houghton_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 6 Poole_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 7 Bryant_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 8 White_EN.pdf
`Faraday Paper 9 McGrath_EN.pdf
Files: 15 Size: 2,545,407 Bytes

Articulating Reasons - An Introduction To Inferentialism .pdf
Averroes - The Incoherence Of The Incoherence.rtf
Davis - Meaning Expression And Thought.pdf
Experimental Pragmatics.pdf
How To Do Things With Words Second Edition (William James Lectures).djvu
La Porta&shulman - Poetics Of Grammar.pdf
Language And Death - The Place Of Negativity (Theory And History Of Literature).pdf
Language And Learning - Philosophy Of Language In The Hellenistic Age.pdf
Language, Culture, And Society - Key Topics In Linguistic Anthropology (Studies In The Social And Cultural Foundations Of Language).pdf
Language, Meaning, Interpretation (Philosophical Problems Today).pdf
Laoutaris - Shakespearian Maternities.pdf
Maurice Blanchot.pdf
Mit Press - Words Without Meaning (Philosophy Linguistics).pdf
On Translation (Thinking In Action).pdf
Oxford University Press - Skeptical Linguistic Essays.pdf
Peirce's Theory Of Signs.pdf
Philosophy Of Language (Fundamentals Of Philosophy).pdf
The Language And Reality Of Time.pdf
The Rule Of Metaphor.pdf
Files: 19 Size: 62,575,207 Bytes

\Philosophy\Language\Language and Literature - Series\
Bestsellers (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
British and Irish Drama [Contemporary] (Concise) - Blackwell.pdf
Classics (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Literary Theory (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Middle English Literature, 1100-1500 (Concise) - Blackwell.pdf
Philosophy of Language (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Philosophy of Language (Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy) - Routledge.pdf
Philosophy of Language (Guide) - Blackwell.pdf
Romantic (Concise) - Blackwell.pdf
Russian Literature (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Semantic Relationism (The Blackwell-Brown Lectures in Philosophy) - Blackwell.pdf
Tragedy (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
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0521842085 - Christopher W. Tindale - Fallacies And Argument Appraisal - Cup.pdf
18 Unconventional Essays On The Nature Of Mathematics.pdf
Berkeley, George - A Defence Of Free-Thinking In Mathematics.pdf
Bett (Ed) - Sextus Empiricus~ Against The Logicians.pdf
Bowell&kemp - Critical Thinking A Concise Guide.pdf
British Logic In The Nineteenth Century, Volume 4 (Handbook Of The History Of Logic).pdf
Carnap, Rudolf - Meaning And Necessity.djvu
Demarrais&lapan (Eds) - Foundations For Research.pdf
Derrida Critical Thinkers.pdf
From A Logical Point Of View - Nine Logico-Philosophical Essays.pdf
Hilary Putnam - Philosophy Of Mathematics - Why Nothing Works (From Words And Life).pdf
Introduction To Mathematical Philosophy.pdf
Landmark Writings In Western Mathematics 1640-1940.pdf
Logic And Theism - Arguments For And Against Beliefs In God.pdf
Mancosu - Philosophy Of Mathematical Practice.pdf
Mathematic Principals Of Natural Philosophy.pdf
Mathematics, Models, And Modality - Selected Philosophical Essays.pdf
Mathien&wright (Eds) - Autobiography As Philosophy.pdf
Modal Logic (Oxford Logic Guides).djvu
Nozick R. The Nature Of Rationality.pdf
On Communication - An Interdisciplinary And Mathematical Approach (Theory And Decision Library A).pdf
Philosophical Dimensions In Mathematics Education (Mathematics Education Library).pdf
Philosophical Theories Of Probability.pdf
Philosophy Of Mathematics.pdf
Remarks On The History And Philosophy Of Mathematics.pdf
Restall - Multiple Conclusions.pdf
The Philosophy Of Mathematics Education.pdf
Visualization, Explanation And Reasoning Styles In Mathematics (Synthese Library).pdf
Wittgenstein's Philosophy Of Mathematics.pdf
Files: 29 Size: 138,972,101 Bytes

\Philosophy\Logic\Logic - Series\
Before Logic (Series in Philosophy) - SUNY.pdf
Common Sense - A Contemporary Defense (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy) - Cambridge.pdf
Critical Theory (Companion) - Cambridge.pdf
Informal Logic 2nd Ed.pdf
Introduction To Logic And To The Methodology Of The Deductive Sciences.pdf
Logic (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Logic [First Course in] - Intro to Model Theory, Proof Theory, Computability & Complexity - Oxford.pdf
Logic Tomassi.pdf
Mcinerny, D Q - Being Logical, A Guide To Good Thinking (2004).pdf
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions - Stanford.pdf
Philosophical Logic (2002) (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Philosophical Logic (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Philosophy of Logic (Anthology) - Blackwell.pdf
Priest Graham - Towards Non-Being - The Logic And Metaphysics Of Intentionality (2005).pdf
Proof, Logic And Formalization.pdf
Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Temporal Logic - From Ancient Ideas To Artificial Intelligence (Studies In Linguistics And Philosophy).pdf
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.pdf
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Absolute Generality.pdf
Alter & Walter (Ed) - Phenomenal Concepts And Phenomenal Knowledge.pdf
Analysis And Metaphysics - An Introduction To Philosophy.pdf
Approaches To Metaphysics (Studies In Philosophy And Religion).pdf
Baker - Metaphysics Of Everyday Life.pdf
Beatrice Longuenesse - Hegel`s Critique Of Metaphysics.pdf
Being And Nothingness By Jean-Paul Sartre.pdf
Bird - Nature's Metaphysics.pdf
Causality And Explanation.pdf
Christopher Hughes - Kripke~ Names, Necessity, And Identity - Oxford University Press, Usa.pdf
D.M. Armstrong - Dispositions~ A Debate (International Library Of Philosophy) [1996].pdf
Does Time Really Exist.doc
Every Thing Must Go.pdf
Fine - Modality And Tense.pdf
Four Category Ontology.pdf
From An Ontological Point Of View - Oxford University Press, Usa.pdf
Garrett - What Is This Thing Called Metaphysics.pdf
Guy Robinson - Philosophy And Mystification~ A Reflection On Nonsense And Clarity - Routledge.pdf
Hawthorne - Metaphysical Essays.pdf
Hill - Thought And World.pdf
How Things Persist.pdf
Howard Robinson - Perception - Routledge.pdf
Hume's Epistemology And Metaphysics - An Introduction.pdf
Jorge Secada - Cartesian Metaphysics,the Late Scholastic Origins Of Modern Philosophy.pdf
Joshua Hoffman, Gary S. Rosenkrantz - Substance~ Its Nature And Existence - Routledge.pdf
Kalderon (Ed) - Fictionalism In Metaphysics.pdf
Koslicki - The Structure Of Objects.pdf
Kraut - Artworld Metaphysics.pdf
Lamberth, David C. - William James And The Metaphysics Of Experience - Cup.pdf
Macdonald - Varieties Of Things.pdf
Metaphysics - Loux 3rd Ed.pdf
Metaphysics - The Big Questions (Philosophy The Big Questions) .djvu
Metaphysics - The Big Questions (Philosophy The Big Questions) .pdf
Metaphysics By Aristotle.rtf
Metaphysics Inwagen 3rd Ed.pdf
Metaphysics Of Perfect Beings.pdf
Metaphysics, Mathematics, And Meaning.pdf
Mumford - Russell On Metaphysics.pdf
Naming And Necessity.pdf
Nelson - Naming And Reference.pdf
On The Metaphysics Of Experimental Physics.pdf
Paul Coates - The Metaphysics Of Perception~ Wilfrid Sellars, Critical Realism And The Nature Of Experience (Routledge Studies In Twentieth Century Philosophy) [2007].pdf
Paul Horwich - From A Deflationary Point Of View - Oxford University Press, Usa.pdf
Penelope Mackie - How Things Might Have Been~ Individuals, Kinds, And Essential Properties - Oxford University Press, Usa.pdf
Phil Dowe - Cause And Chance~ Causation In An Indeterministic World (International Library Of Philosophy) [2003].pdf
Powers - A Study In Metaphysics .pdf
Powers Study In Metaphysics.pdf
R. M. Sainsbury - Reference Without Referents - Oxford University Press, Usa.pdf
Real Metaphysics (Routledge Studies In Twentieth Centuryphilosophy) [2003].pdf
Realism With A Human Face.pdf
Rereading Russell - Essays On Bertrand Russell's Metaphysics And Epistemology (Minnesota Studies In The Philosophy Of Science).djvu
Richard Cross - The Metaphysics Of The Incarnation~ Thomas Aquinas To Duns Scotus [2002].pdf
Ronkin - Early Buddhist Metaphysics.pdf
Routledge - Aristotle And The Metaphysics.pdf
Scotch Metaphysics.pdf
Sprigge - The God Of Metaphysics.pdf
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - Metaphysics Without Truth~ On The Importance Of Consistency Within Nietzsche's Philosophy - Marquette University Press.pdf
Tales Of The Mighty Dead - Historical Essays In The Metaphysics Of Intentionality.pdf
Terrance W. Klein - Wittgenstein And The Metaphysics Of Grace - Oxford University Press, Usa.pdf
The Law Of Non-Contradiction - New Philosophical Essays.pdf
The Logical Foundations Of Bradley's Metaphysics - Judgment, Inference, And Truth.pdf
Yolton - Realism And Appearances An Essay In Ontology.pdf
Files: 62 Size: 581,879,963 Bytes

\Philosophy\Metaphysics\Metaphysics - Series\
Everything (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Existentialism (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
History of Time (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Meaning of Life (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science (History of Philosophy) - Immanuel Kant - Cambridge.pdf
Metaphysics (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Metaphysics (Guide) - Blackwell.pdf
Metaphysics (Introduction) - Loux, Michael.pdf
Metaphysics [Studies in, vol 1] 2004 - Oxford.pdf
Metaphysics [Studies in, vol 3] 2007 - Oxford.pdf
On Clear and Confused Ideas - An Essay about Substance Concepts (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy) - Cambridge.pdf
Philosophy (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Philosophy of Philosophy (Lectures in Philosophy) - Blackwell.pdf
Real Essentialism (Studies in Contemporary Philosophy).pdf
The Death Of Metaphysics; The Death Of Culture - Epistemology, Metaphysics, And Morality (Philosophical Studies In Contemporary Culture).pdf
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Allen, Colin & Bekoff, Marc - Cognitive Ethology And Philosophy Of Mind - Mit.htm
Atran&medin - Native Mind And Cultural Construction Of Nature.pdf
Belief About The Self.pdf
Churchland, Patricia - Neurophilosophy.pdf
Cognitive Science A Philosophical Introduction.pdf
Cohon, Rabbi Samuel - Consciousness And The Universe.pdf
Consciousness - From Perception To Reflection In The History Of Philosophy (Studies In The History Of Philosophy Of Mind).pdf
Crane, Tim - The Mechanical Mind - Routledge.pdf
Dennett - Brainchildren, Essays On Designing Minds.pdf
Dennett - Consciousness Explained.pdf
Dennett - Content & Consciousness.pdf
Dennett - Facing Backwards On The Problem Of Consciousness.pdf
Dermot Moran, Dermot - Introduction To Phenomenology - Routledge.pdf
Descriptive Psychology - Brentano.pdf
Explanation And Cognition (Bradford Books).pdf
Frankish - Mind And Supermind.pdf
Free Will An Historical And Philosophical Introduction.pdf
Garrett, Brian - Personal Identity And Self Consciousness - Routledge.pdf
Gellner - The Psychoanalytic Movement.pdf
Humphrey, Nicholas - Seeing Red A Study In Consciousness.pdf
John Foster - The Immaterial Self~ A Defence Of The Cartesian Dualist Conception Of The Mind - Routledge.pdf
Justin Gosling, Justin Gosling - Weakness Of The Will - Routledge.pdf
Kenny, A. - A New History Of Western Philosophy - Vol. Ii Mediaeval Philosophy - 2005.pdf
Knuuttila&karkkainen (Eds) - Theories Of Perception.pdf
Krishna, Gopi - [Kundilini] What Is Cosmic Consciousness.pdf
Macintyre, Alasdair - The Unconscious.pdf
Mantra And Consciousness.pdf
Mcginn, Colin - The Character Of Mind. An Introduction To The Philosophy Of Mind 2ed (1996).pdf
Miller, Fred - Aristotle's Philosophy Of Soul.pdf
Mind Design Ii - Philosophy, Psychology, And Artificial Intelligence.pdf
Mind, Value, And Reality.pdf
Noonan, Harold - Personal Identity 2nd Ed.pdf
Nydahl, Lama Ole – Dharma-Belehrungen (Octopus Verlag 1989, Buddhismus, Mind, Spirit, German-Deutsch).pdf
Phenomenology And Philosophy Of Mind.pdf
Phenomenology Of Perception.pdf
Philosophy Of The Brain - The Brain Problem (Advances In Consciousness Research).pdf
Psychology In Diabetes Care - Frank Snoek.pdf
Putnam - Psychpredicates.pdf
Quantum Theory And The Brain.pdf
Reasoning, Meaning, And Mind.pdf
Representation And Reality (Representation And Mind).pdf
Research Companion To Organizational Health Psychology - Alexander Stamatios.pdf
Robinson - Relation Philosophy Of Mathematics, Science And Mind (2002).pdf
Robinson - Understanding Phenomenal Consciousness.pdf
Rowlands - The Body In Mind.pdf
Russell, Bertrand - The Analysis Of Mind.pdf
Ryle, Gilbert - The Concept Of Mind.pdf
Searle - Consciousness And Language.pdf
Searle - Philosophy Of Mind.pdf
Segal, Gabriel - A Slim Book About Narrow Content (Contemporary Philosophical Monographs).pdf
Sorensen, Roy - Brief History Of The Paradox Philosophy And The Labyrinths Of The Mind - Oxford.pdf
The Handbook Of Work And Health Psychology 2nd Ed - Marc J. Schabracq.pdf
The Problems Of Philosophy.pdf
The Science Of Mind.pdf
The Structure Of Intelligence - A New Mathematical Model Of Mind (Recent Research In Psychology).pdf
Webcourse (1999) - Quantum Approaches To Understanding The Mind.pdf
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\Philosophy\Mind\Mind - Series\
.Burwood, Stephen - Philosophy of Mind.pdf
.Heil, J - Philosophy of Mind (Contemporary Introduction) - Routledge.pdf
.Lowe, E.J. - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind.pdf
.Maslin, K.T. - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind - Blackwell.pdf
.Moreland - Consciousness and the Existence of God.pdf
.Seager, William - Theories of Consciousness, An Introduction - Routledge.pdf
Autism (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Brain (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Cognitive Linguistics (Handbooks) - Oxford.pdf
Concepts - Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong - Oxford.pdf
Consciousness (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Consciousness (Handbook) - Cambridge.pdf
Consciousness (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Dreaming (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Memory (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Mind, Reason and Imagination - Selected Essays in Philosophy of Mind and Language (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy) - Cambridge.pdf
Phenomenology and Existentialism (Companion) - Blackwell.pdf
Philosophy of Mind (Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy).pdf
Philosophy of Mind (Guide) - Blackwell.pdf
Psychiatry (Dictionary) - Shorter, Edward (Historical) - Oxford.pdf
Psychiatry (Very Short Introduction) - Oxford.pdf
Smith (ed) - John Searle.pdf
Sociocultural Psychology (Handbook) - Cambridge.pdf
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(Mit) Knowledge And Mind - A Philosophical Introduction.pdf
0071545999 Statistics In Psychology.pdf
101 H- Psych Ealing Stories For Children And Teens Using Metaphors In Therapy - George W. Burns.pdf
A Matter Of Security The Application Of Attachment Theory To Forensic Psychiatry And Psychotherapy - Gwen Adshead.pdf
A Review Of B. Alan Wallace’s ‘the Taboo Of Subjectivity’.pdf
A. David Redish - Beyond The Cognitive Map.pdf
Adams And Victor - Principles Of Neurology 7th Ed.pdf
Adapting Educational And Psychological Tests For Cross-Cultural Assessment - Charles D. Spielberger.pdf
Advances In Psychiatry Second Volume.pdf
Aguar&aguar - Wrightscapes.pdf
Allan Watts - A Psychedelic Experience.pdf
Allan Watts - Psychedelics And Religious Experience.pdf
Alvin Goldman - Readings In Philosophy And Cognitive Science.pdf
An Invitation To Cognitive Science (2ed) Ch. 14 - Some Philosophy Of Language.pdf
Andrew Chrucky - Interview With Chalmers.pdf
Andy Clark - Associative Engines.pdf
Andy Clark - Being There. Putting Brain, Body, And World Together Again (1998).pdf
Andy Clark - Mindware. An Introduction To The Philosophy Of Cognitive Science (2001).pdf
Andy Clark - Putting Brain, Body, And World Together Again (1998).pdf
Annas, Julia E. - Hellenistic Philosophy Of Mind.pdf
Anscombe, G E M - Metaphysics And The Philosophy Of Mind.pdf
Ayn Rand - Capitalism (Formatted).doc
B. Libet - Can Conscious Experience Affect Brain Activity.pdf
Baars (Imprint) - Global Workspace Theory. A Rigorous Scientific Theory Of Consciousness.pdf
Baars - An Update On Global Workspace Theory.mht
Baars - Global Workspace Theory.mht
Baars Et Al. - Essential Sources In The Scientific Study Of Consciousness.pdf
Banyard Et Al (Eds) - Trauma And Physical Health.pdf
Barbara Webb Thomas R. Consi - Biorobotics.pdf
Barker R.A Et Al. - Neuroscience At A Glance (1999).pdf
Barnett - When Death Enters Therapeutic Space.pdf
Barth - Ethnic Groups And Boundaries.pdf
Barth - Nomads Of South Persia.pdf
Beakley & Ludlow (Ed) - The Philosophy Of Mind.pdf
Bechtel, William – What Should A Connectionist Philosophy Of Science Look Like.pdf
Bennett Et Al - Culture Class Distinction.pdf
Bickle, John - The Philosophy Of Neuroscience.pdf
Blackwell - Essential Neurology (2005) 4ed.pdf
Blackwell Handbook Of Mri Technique 2ed.pdf
Block - Defending The Undefendable.pdf
Bohm - His Theory Of Mind.pdf
Brain Facts A Primer On The Brain And Nervous System.pdf
Brain, Chaos, Quantum Mechanics.pdf
Brewer - Perception And Reason.pdf
Brook & Stainton, Mind And Body What Should We Believe.pdf
Brottman - High Theory Low Culture.pdf
Brown (Ed) - Handbook Of Pediatric Psychology In School Settings.pdf
Cambridge University Press - 2005 - Grounding Cognition.pdf
Carson&bull (Eds) - Handbook Of Psychology In Legal Contexts.pdf
Castex - Architecture Of Italy.pdf
Chalmers - Facing Up To The Problem Of Consciousness.pdf
Chalmers - The Conscious Mind (1996).pdf
Chalmers, David - Collection Of Papers Concerning Consciousness.pdf
Chaos Theory And The Evolution Of Consciousness And Mind.pdf
Charles G. Gross - Brain, Vision, Memory.pdf
Charles Tart - On Emergent Interactionist Understanding Of Human Consciousness.pdf
Child And Adolescent Psychiatry A Comprehensive Textbook 3rd Ed - By Melvin Lewis.pdf
Chomsky, Noam - Philosophy Of Cognitive Science.pdf
Clinical Child Psychiatry,2nd Ed - William M. Klykylo.pdf
Clinical Handbook Of Mindfulness.pdf
Cogni- Psych Tive Behaviour Therapy With Older People - Ken Laidlaw.pdf
Cogni- Psych Tive Therapy For Chronic And Persistent Depression - Richard G. Moore.pdf
Companies Are People, Too Discover, Develop, And Grow Your Organization’s True Personality - Sandra Fekete.pdf
Compr- Psych Ehensive Handbook Of Psychotherapy Volume 1 Psychodynamicobject Relations - Florence W. Kaslow.pdf
Computational Explorations In Cognitive Neuroscience.djvu
Conte- Psych Mporary Clinical Psychology 2nd Ed - Thomas G. Plante.pdf
Core - Psych Processes In Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Advancing Effective Practice - Denise P. Charman.pdf
Couns- Psych Eling And Psychotherapy Theories In Context And Practice - John Sommers-Flanagan.pdf
Crick - Consciousness And Neuroscience (Cortex 1998).pdf
Criminal Psychology - Hans Gross.pdf
Criminal Psychology And Forensic Technology A Collaborative Approach To Effective Profiling - Helen M. Godwin.pdf
Cultu- Psych Re And Psychotherapy A Guide To Clinical Practice - Wenshing Tseng.pdf
Current Clinical Strategies Psychiatry - Rhoda K Hahn.pdf
D Dennett & M Kinsbourne - Time And The Observer.pdf
D. Papineau - Thinking About Consciousness.pdf
D. T. Moisa - Creierul, O Enigma Descifrata.pdf
Dale Purves - Neuroscience 3ed.pdf
Damasio, Antonio - Consciousness And The Brainstem.pdf
Daniel J. Levitin (Ed) - Foundations Of Cognitive Psychology.pdf
David R. Hawkins - Anatomy Of Consciousness, Hidden Determinants Of Human Behavior.pdf
Dawson&spannagle - The Complete Guide To Climate Change.pdf
De Lubicz, R A Schwaller - Symbol And The Symbolic Evolution Of Consciousness.pdf
De Rivera - Handbook On Building Cultures Of Peace.pdf
Deegan - Africa Today.pdf
Degracia - Beyond The Physical.pdf
Degracia - Global Workspace Theory, Dreaming And Consciousness.pdf
Dehaene & Nacchache - Towards A Cognitive Neuroscience Of Consciousness.pdf
Delanty (Ed) - Handbook Contemporary European Social Theory.pdf
Demorest - Psychology's Grand Theorists.pdf
Demsetz - From Economic Man To Economic System.pdf
Discrimination At Work The Psychological And Organizational Bases - Robert L. Dipboye.pdf
Dmt The Spirit Molecule A Doctor's Revolutionary Research Into The Biology Of Near-Death And Mystical Experiences - Rick Strassman.pdf
Don Ross Et Al. (Ed) - Dennett's Philosophy (2000).pdf
Drawi- Psych Ng The Line Art Therapy With The Difficult Client - Lisa B. Moschini.pdf
Duane E. Haines - Neuroanatomy An Atlas Of Structures, Sections, And Systems.pdf
Duggan&hunter - Sex Wars.pdf
Dupoux - Language, Brain, And Cognitive Development.pdf
Eccles' Model Of Mind.pdf
Eldridge - American Culture In The 1930s.pdf
Elementary Experiments In Psychology - Carl Seashore.djvu
Elsevier Science - Neural Networks, Vol 10, No 7 Special Issue (1997).pdf
Encyc- Psych Lopedia Of Psychotherapy - Michel Hersen.pdf
Esfeld - Mental Causation.pdf
Esfeld - Rule Following And The Philosophy Of Mind.pdf
Essential Neurology. (Wilkinson & Lennox) Blackwell 4th Ed. 2005.pdf
Essentials Of Kabc-Ii Assessment - Alan S. Kaufman.pdf
Essentials Of Psychiatry - Jerald Kay.pdf
Essentials Of Psychological Testing - Susana Urbina.pdf
Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming.rtf
Famil- Psych Y Therapy Concepts, Process And Practice 2nd Ed - Alan Carr.pdf
Families And Mental Disorder From Burden To Empowerment - Norman Sartorius.pdf
Feeli- Psych Ng Good The New Mood Therapy - David Burns.pdf
Felleman - Art In The Cinematic Imagination.pdf
Fellner - Wrestling With Starbucks.pdf
Fentress&whickham - Social Memory.pdf
Financial Risk Taking An Introduction To The Psychology Of Trading And Behavioural Finance - Mike Elvin.pdf
Fodor - Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong.pdf
Foster - The Nature Of Perception.pdf
Franklin - Tourism An Introduction.pdf
Fred Dretske - Explaining Behavior.pdf
Frith - Making Up The Mind How The Brain Creates Our Mental World.pdf
Fry Et Al (Eds) - A Handbook For Teaching & Learning In Higher Education.pdf
Fulford - Mental Illness And The Mind-Body Problem.pdf
G. Masther Et Al. (Ed) - The Motion Aftereffect.pdf
Gadd&jefferson - Psychosocial Criminology.pdf
Giger - Verdi & French Aesthetic.pdf
Gilbert Ryle - The Concept Of Mind.pdf
Gleitman - The Invention Of Language By Children Environmental And Biological Influences.pdf
Guillebaud - The Tyranny Of Pleasure.pdf
Halliwell&morely (Eds) - American Thought And Culture In The 21th C.pdf
Hameroff - Conduction Pathways In Microtubules.pdf
Hameroff, Chalmers Et Al. - Toward A Science Of Consciousness Iii (1999).pdf
Hamm - Philosophical Issues In Education.pdf
Handb- Psych Ook Of Brief Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - Frank W. Bond.pdf
Handb- Psych Ook Of Couples Therapy - Michele Harway.pdf
Handb- Psych Ook Of Psychological Assessment 4th Ed - Gary Groth-Marnat.pdf
Handbook Of Dementia Psychological, Neurological,and Psychiatric Perspectives - Peter A. Lichtenberg.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 01 - History Of Psychology.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 02 - Research Methods In Psychology.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 03 - Biological Psychology.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 04 - Experimental Psychology.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 05 - Personality And Social Psychology.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 06 - Developmental Psychology.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 07 - Educational Psychology.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 08 - Clinical Psychology.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 09 - Health Psychology.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 10 - Assessment Psychology.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 11 - Forensic Psychology.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology - Vol 12 - Industrial And Organizational Psychology.pdf
Hanspeter A. Mallot John S. Allen - Computational Vision.pdf
Hatfield - Sense Data And The Mind Body Problem.pdf
Henri Bergson - Time And Free Will - An Essay On The Immediate Data Of Consciousness.pdf
Hoare - Thailand A Global Studies Handbook.pdf
Hobson - The Dream Drugstore.pdf
Hoffman - Conscious Realism And The Mind Body Problem.pdf
Hoffman -The Scramble Theorem.pdf
Hofstadter, Dennett - The Mind's I.pdf
Holmes - Gender And Everyday Life.pdf
Horgan, From Cognitive Science To Folk Psychology Computation, Representation And Belief.pdf
How To Control Your Brain At Will.pdf
Hubbard, L Ron - The Brainwashing Manual.pdf
Huxley, Aldous - Doors Of Perception And Heaven And Hell.PDF
Ingold - What Is An Animal.pdf
Inter- Psych Viewing And Diagnostic Exercises For Clinical And Counseling Skills Building - Pearl S. Berman.pdf
International Review Of Industrial And Organizational Psychology Vol 18 - Cary L. Cooper.pdf
International Review Of Industrial And Organizational Psychology Vol 19 - Cary L. Cooper.pdf
International Review Of Industrial And Organizational Psychology Vol 20 - Gerard P. Hodgkinson.pdf
Intro- Psych Ducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy - Anthony Ryle.pdf
Intro- Psych Duction To The Practice Of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Alessandra Lemma.pdf
Introspective Physicalism As An Approach To The Science Of Consciousness.pdf
Investment Psychology Explained Classic Strategies To Beat The Markets - Martin J. Pring.pdf
Izod - Myth Mind And The Screen.pdf
J. Levine - Purple Haze The Puzzle Of Consciousness.pdf
J. Searle - Is The Brain's Mind A Computer Program (Scientific American 1990).pdf
J. Searle - Why I Am Not A Property Dualist.pdf
J.Mishlove - The Roots Of Consciousness.pdf
Jahn-Sudmann&stockmann (Eds) - Computer Games As A Sociocultural Phenomenon.pdf
Jay L. Gardfield (Ed) - Modularity In Knowledge.pdf
Jerry A. Fodor - Fodor's Guide To Mental Representation.pdf
John C Lilly - The Center Of The Cyclone.pdf
John C Lilly - The Deep Self.pdf
John C Lilly - The Quiet Center.pdf
John C Lilly - The Scientist - A Metaphysical Autobiography.pdf
John C Lilly And E J Gold - Tanks For The Memories - Floatation Tank Talks.pdf
John G. Taylor - The Race For Consciousness.pdf
John Perry - Knowledge, Possibility, And Consciousness-Notes.pdf
John R. Searle - The Critique Of Cognitive Reason.pdf
John Searle - Consciousness.doc
John Searle - Mind, A Brief Introduction (2004).pdf
John Searle - The Rediscovery Of The Mind.pdf
Johnston P. Wittgenstein- Rethinking The Inner (Routledge,1993).pdf
Jones - Quantum Physics And Ordinary Consciousness.pdf
José Bermúdez - The Paradox Of Self-Consciousness.pdf
Jstor Burge - Philosophy Of Language And Mind 1950-1990.pdf
Jstor James, William - Does Consciousness Exist.pdf
Jstor Rapaport - Syntactic Semantics And Computational Cognition.pdf
Kalof Et Al - Essentials Of Social Research.pdf
Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook Of Psychiatry 7th Ed - Benjamin J. Sadock.pdf
Kasabov - Foundations Of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, And Knowledge Engineering.pdf
Katz, Lawrence C. - Keep Your Brain Alive.pdf
Keeley - Neuroethology & The Philosophy Of Cognitive Science.pdf
Ken Wilber - An Integral Theory Of Consciousness.pdf
Keyes, Ken - Handbook To Higher Consciousness.pdf
Kirk - Zombies And Consciousness.pdf
Kitcher - Kant On Self-Consciousness.pdf
Kleinig - Ethics And Criminal Justice.pdf
Kramer - Why Classical Music Still Matters.pdf
Lederberg J , Hunter L - Artificial Intelligence And Molecular Biology (1993).pdf
Losing Consciousness - Automatic Influences On Consumer Judgment, Behavior, And Motivation.pdf
Lsd P- Psych Sychotherapy - Stanislav Grof.pdf
Luckhurst&moody (Eds) - Theatre And Celebrity In Britain 1660-2000.pdf
Lycan W.G. - Consciousness.pdf
Lyvers, Michael - Neurochemistry Of Psychedelic Experiences.pdf
Madness A Brief History - Roy Porter.pdf
Man's Search For Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl.pdf
Managing Psychological Factors In Information Systems Work An Orientation To Emotional Intelligence - Eugene Kaluzniacky.pdf
Mapping Psychology 1 - Dorothy Miell.pdf
Mark D'esposito - Neurological Foundations Of Cognitive Neuroscience.pdf
Maslow, A.H. - A Theory Of Human Motivation.pdf
Matsue - Making Music In Japan's Underground Hardcore Scene.pdf
Mcneill - The Human Condition.pdf
Mechanical Trading Systems Pairing Trader Psychology With Technical Analysis - Richard L. Weissman.pdf
Mehrotra & Altri - Elements Of Artificial Neural Networks.pdf
Melanie Mitchell - An Introduction To Genetic Algorithms.pdf
Merritt - Neurology 10th Ed.pdf
Metcalf - Anthropology The Basics.pdf
Michael S. Gazzaniga - Perspectives In Memory Research.pdf
Michael Tye - Consciousness, Color, And Content.pdf
Miles - Urban Avant-Gardes.pdf
Mit Press - Knowledge And Mind - A Philosophical Introduction.chm
Mit Press - The Handbook Of Brain Theory And Neural Networks - 2nd Edition (2003).pdf
Mitchell&osland - Representing Women And Female Desire.pdf
Monteith - American Culture In The 1960s.pdf
Montgomery Et Al (Eds) - How Professionals Make Decisions.pdf
Moore - Music And Revolution (Socialist Cuba).pdf
Moses - German Intellectuals And The Nazi Past.pdf
Mullen Et Al - Stalkers And Their Victims.pdf
Murphy Et Al. - Psychiatry 3ed.djvu
Nature, The Cognitive Neuroscience Of Sleep.pdf
New Oxford Textbook Of Psychiatry - Michael G. Gelder.chm
Newman - Playing With Videogames.pdf
O'connor - Causality, Mind And Free Will.pdf
Organizational Psychology A Scientist-Practitioner Approach - Steve M. Jex.pdf
Owen J. Flanagan - Consciousness Reconsidered.pdf
Paul Churchland - Engine Of Reason - Seat Of Soul.pdf
Paul Thagard (Ed) - Mind Readings Ch. 1 What Is An Explanation Of Behavior.pdf
Pear - Consciousness And Anomalous Physical Phenomena.pdf
Pear - On The Quantum Mechanics Of Consciousness.pdf
Pearson - Wicca & The Christian Heritage.pdf
Pemberton&nijhawan - Shared Idioms Sacred Symbols And Articulation Of Identities (South-Asia).pdf
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